Home 9 Newsletter 9 Black Kat News: Sept 2020

Black Kat: Here’s to a Super Fall


Get Unlucky this fall with Unlucky CharmBrace yourselves, friends and fellow Supers—fall is coming! And along with it, everything pumpkin. Pumpkin lattes, pies, cakes, donuts, candles, you name it. Pumpkin spice everything!

I’ve won a reprieve on those things at the moment, as there are no pumpkins where I’m at. The fruits and vegetables here are strange, and the eggs and dairy don’t exactly taste like anything from Earth. Neither do the beverages. How I long for a cup of Earl Grey and perhaps a scone (even a pumpkin one!)

And of course, a great book…Speaking of which, we’ve got plenty for you in this issue! Freebies, cheapies, and of course, what’s going on in the world of the Supers.

First up: Social media. We’re cutting back. It’s distracting and we’re sick of censorship. We’ll be spending more time updating our website, maintaining this newsletter, and writing future books. Those are better investments of our time, and keep us focused on our goals, which is telling Super stories and interacting with our Super readers!

Read on for more…

NOTE: If you are receiving this, at some point, you opted into our mailing list. We do not wish to spam any poor souls, so feel free to unsubscribe if you feel the need. Most of us won’t take it personally (though Kat has been known to!) 

Black Kat II: Kat & Mouse MockupKat & Mouse Update

Recent changes to Unlucky Charm affected the next book in the series, Kat & Mouse. We’re ironing out the wrinkles and sprucing things up. Scheduled changes include:

  • A new cover (I’m getting a makeover! This is just a mockup, we’re still playing with poses, hair, etc.)
  • Updated formatting for easier reading
  • Reorganized chapters
  • Fix timeline issues caused by Unlucky updates
  • Adverb squashing!
  • Expanded action scenes
  • And much more!
This update should be ready soon, though 2020 has thrown us plenty of curves!

Black Kat IV: Playing with FireIn Beta: Playing with Fire

Book 4 is coming along, slowly but surely. Sign up here to be a beta reader. Send in feedback and receive a finished copy when it’s published!

Firefighter Shane Sumner has a secret. 
He’s not the brave, hometown hero everyone thinks he is. He’s fireproof, and possibly crazy, or telepathic. Now the dog is talking to him, along with the plants, threatening to upend his sham of a perfect life. Can he conceal his strange abilities or will they expose him for the freak he knows he is?

One hot mess deserves another…
Life isn’t easy for a fire shifter. Fiona and Aislinn’s powers keep them homeless and just might have burnt down the Denver safe house. The streets are full of Rogues and unsavory characters; their chances of survival look bleak. Prince Charming isn’t coming. Or is he? A handsome, flame-retardant stranger may be the answer to all their problems.

Looking to make a great escape? Dive into these low-cost, calorie-free goodies! 


On the brink of a bitter civil war, one girl races to save the last humans from themselves

When glitched tech destroyed the world, one ship escaped. With few survivors, tank kids became their hope for the future, while biological children were shunned relics of the past.

As one of these relics, Errai isn’t expected to achieve much. But when a viable planet comes within range, she’s determined to prove them wrong. To earn a spot on the exploration team.

But this team raises a phantom from the past that turns the ship into a battleground. And after a brutal betrayal, Errai races to protect her people from certain death.


Prophecy by Amanda Lynn PetrinFREE YA: PROPHECY

Dubbed “that weird Owens girl” since grade school, Lucy struggled to find her place in the small, New England town she grew up in, and the strange mysteries within it. Among her only visitors are two young men, Embry and Gabriel, who claim to be friends of the family. When prom night takes a sour turn, Lucy is forced to take shelter with them from a mysterious man hell-bent on acquiring her.

She also discovers that Embry and Gabriel are Gifteds, a subset of humans with supernatural abilities who don’t die until their job is done. In this case, they claim their job is to protect Lucy’s line. But as she gets to know them and her family’s history better, she has to wonder if their ultimate goal is to keep her safe, or to stop the man who’s after her?

Dungeon Seeker by Aurora WeissFANTASY LitRPG: DUNGEON SEEKER

I might be level 99… but I’m still a noob.

That’s Zane’s permanent nickname for me after I managed to find another glitched item that dragged us all to the next endgame world. Just when we uncovered the mystery behind the Dark Lord Coin I managed to find a secret world of Game Masters that have been pulling the strings. Everything was fine… Until one of them started messing with the universe code.

Now everything is at risk—and this time Zane is on my side. He power leveled me, and now he needs to teach me how to maximize my skills as we face the battle of our lives—or rather, our afterlives. 
We’re in for a wild ride.


Vampires aren’t real…right?

When my bestie falls for a sexy rockstar and shows up with freaky marks on her neck, my imagination spins into over-drive.

If only I’d known: Vampires ARE real, and they’re more mysterious and terrifying than I ever imagined. No amount of horror movies could have prepared me for the truth.

And then there’s my growing attraction to the vampire band’s manager, Mick. He’s undeniably gorgeous, and probably sees me as a midnight snack. But he’s the only one who can help me save my best friend.

If he doesn’t kill me first.

Kat Drummon Series by Nicholas Woode-SmithFREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED: KAT DRUMMOND 1-4

There’s a ghost inside in my head…and I need to slay three monsters by lunchtime. What could go wrong?

Well, there’s a new monster in Hope City every day, I’m competing with countless other hunters and I’m trying to track down the man who killed my parents. On top of all that, I’ve got rent to pay, a cat to feed, and I’m pretty sure the local grocery store is haunted.

This is a crazy world we live in. Monsters roam the streets, vampires run nightclubs, necromancers sacrifice little girls. Somebody has to do something about it.

My name is Kat Drummond, and I’m a Part-Time Monster Hunter.

Over 1200 pages of Urban Fantasy Action. Free on KU, on sale for .99!


Snakes and Shadows by Amy Hopkins and Michael AnderleFREE HUMOROUS URBAN FANTASY: SNAKES AND SHADOWS

Not everyone can see the ancient beings from myth and legend as they slip through the veil. ​Penny Hingston can’t just see them… she’s best friends with one. Perhaps that’s how Penny and Boots landed a recruitment letter for the Academy of Myth and Legend.

Who’s Boots? She’s a serpent. Not just any serpent — she’s a Rainbow Serpent, an ancient Australian Dreamtime legend come to life. It’s actually not so unusual these days. Mythical creatures are tumbling through the Veil every two seconds. The Academy not only teaches its students how to fight the bad ones, but to protect the good ones as well.

It’s exciting to be recruited, but it’s no joke. There’s the classes, of course. And then there are poltergeists, bigfoot hunting expeditions, and psychotic gnomes. Just staying alive is a challenge. Together, Penny and Boots can face anything. No matter what happens.


Love is hard, even for superheroes

Nina and Daniel have never known any destiny other than fighting their separate masters’ wars. Now, a secretive organization is creating a weapon that will collapse history.

Their fight is to stay together. It takes them on a journey around the world and into another dimension. Nina and Daniel now face risks beyond their imagination. Sacrifices must be made, and time is running out.

Note from Hugh: We ran a giveaway for Book 1 a couple of months ago. If you enjoyed it, then pick up Book 2!

Fairy Texas by Margo Bond CollinsFREE URBAN FANTASY: FAIRY, TEXAS

Laney Harris thinks there might be monsters in Fairy, Texas. She’s right. 

When her mother remarried and moved them to a town where a date meant hanging out at the Sonic, Laney figured that “boring” would have a whole new meaning.  A new stepsister who despises her and a high school where she’s the only topic of gossip are bad enough. But when she met the school counselor (and his terminal bad breath), things get weird. Especially since he had wings that only she could see.

And then there are Josh and Mason, two gorgeous glimmering-eyed classmates whose interest in her might not be for the reasons she hopes. Not to mention that dead guy she trips over in gym class. To survive in this small town, she’ll have to learn to wing it.


Have you ever died in one of your dreams?

One man finds the answer to the age-old riddle.

But now that he knows, can he stop the destiny awaiting him?


Grab Black Kat and over 30 other great stories. Check it out here: 

Mid-Sept Awesome Fantasy Giveaway
Over 200 FREE sci fi, fantasy and urban fantasy eBooks, including Unlucky Charm:

Sept Sci Fi Fantasy Giveaway


We love to hear from our fans! Let us know what you like about the series and what you’d like to see next. You can also contact me anytime at hugh@blackkatseries.com or by replying to this email. You can also reach the Supers on our public pages (listed below.) Please keep in mind that due to my, um…exotic location, it may take me a little while to get back to you. We also love fan art. Feel free to send it in! 

Note: You can read and review most of our books for FREE by signing up for a review copy on Story Origin:

Here’s wishing you a happy and Safe fall! 

Yours magically,



 Illusionist, Escape Artist, and Super Chap!

Facebook Pages: 
Black Kat Series (news)
Hugh’s House of Humor

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Website: https://www.authorkimberlygordon.com