Home 9 News 9 Black Kat News: March 2022

Blast off with Kat-A-Strophic!

Hello darlings,

How is March treating you? It’s a lovely day here in the Midwest. The sun is driving away the doldrums of winter, whispering promises of spring. Glorious! I hope that wherever you are, you’re healthy, happy, and well.

Kat & I are over the moon to bring your our latest adventures. Kat-A-Strophic is now out in eBook format across all major stores. It’s 160,000 words of action, adventure, comedy, planet hopping, and of course, explosions! There may be a few romantic interludes in exotic places as well. (*grin*) It’s also packed with quite a few interesting surprises at the end, but that’s all I can say right now…

Black Kat V: Kat-A-Strophic Paperback Cover Flat

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The book is also available on Amazon in paperback and hardcover editions. Print versions will be coming soon to other stores, such as Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Walmart, and other stores.

Sadly, we could not fit this one into Large Print. We barely managed to squeeze it into 600 pages. Enlarged print would put it at nearly 1000 pages. We did try, though (you know how I love tomes big enough to double as weapons!)

So, What’s Next?

  • Legends of Ellandria– An add-on series exploring the myths, folklore, and verse of the various clans, starting with the stone singers, who played such an integral role in Kat-A-Strophic. Look for their novella, “Songs of Stone,” at all eBook retailers in the next few weeks. We’ll have links in next month’s newsletter and on our website.
  • Star Crossed Kickstarter– We’re hammering out the details, and looking at a May launch for this. We’ll announce it here on this list. Keep reading for more info on the next book!

NOTE: If you are receiving this, at some point, you opted into our mailing list. We do not wish to spam any poor souls, so feel free to unsubscribe if you feel the need. Most of us won’t take it personally (though Kat has been known to!) 

ARCs & Sneak Peeks, Oh My!

Ready for more Black Kat? Come join the fun! Sign up for the ARC team here. Or, hop on the Sneak Peak (Teaser) list here and we’ll send you the first few scenes when they’re ready.

Black Kat VI: Star CrossedAmazon | Apple | B&N | Google Play | Kobo | More


The winds of war blow across the Supers’ home planet… And spiders spin their webs in the courts of Ellandria. How far are Kat and Hugh willing to go to protect their loved ones? And will their destinies drive them apart?

Meanwhile on Earth…A terrorist attack changes the world as the Supers know it and endangers the safe houses. Can they remain hidden? Or will they be hunted again?

Find out in the Supers’ next breathtaking adventure, full of action, comedy, romance, and suspense!

Looking for something else to read while you wait for the next Black Kat book? Check these out: 

Wings of Fire by Stephanie MirroFREE UF: WINGS OF FIRE

Life as an avian shifter and “acquirer” of fantastical things is dangerously sexy and fun. At least it is until someone beats me to my latest mark, and I’m blamed for a gruesome murder I most certainly did not commit.

Now, I’ve got a choice to make. I can get taken in by the hotter-than-hell agent sent by the Death Enforcement Agency, or wait for my bloodsucking client to realize I’ve failed at his job. I don’t like either door, so I’ll take the window instead.

Time to track down the real killer and clear my name. Because if I don’t solve this murder fast, then I might just be facing a lifetime in a grim reaper’s prison. Or worse, a lifetime of servitude to my client, a vampire who’s turning out to be far more dangerous than I realized.

3 Minutes to Midnight by LM HatchellFREE UF: 3 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT

Half vampire, half fae, Phoenix is an abomination in the eyes of the supernatural community. Screw them! She’s more than happy to play human in the cosy Irish pub she calls home.

At least until an annoying werewolf comes knocking. Because Phoenix may be done with the supernatural world, but it’s not quite done with her.

Her birth has triggered a prophecy, and now the clock is ticking. Humanity will be the first to suffer for her existence. Everything, and everyone, she loves is in danger, and as the body count rises Phoenix must learn to embrace the darkest parts of herself. Or lose it all.

BOXED SET: ELVEN PROPHECIESEleven Prophecies Boxed Set  by Theophilus Monroe and Michael Anderle (2)

There are many who don’t want to see the elven prophecy fulfilled.

And they want me dead before I can do something radical. Like, oh, I don’t know… save the world?

Get the complete Elven Prophecy series – all 6 books – at a great deal for a limited time to find out how one wayward preacher deals with a past that changes the whole world’s future…

FAE: TAKEN BY TWILIGHTTaken by Twilight by Tricia Barr

Ten abducted humans. Seven fae regents in need of mates. Welcome to the Mating Games.

As inhuman beauties herd them like cattle, Evee Aldren and Justin Jackson learn they’re being forced into an ancient game of cat and mouse, where unwed fae regents hunt for their future mates. They ban together to escape, all the while fighting the intense passion burning between them.

Will they win their freedom, or will they lose so much more than each other to the gorgeous and wicked creatures who chase them? Let the Mating Games begin.

VAMPIRES: DARK FANGS RISINGDark Fangs Rising by C Thomas Lafollette

Former Roman legionnaire Luke Irontree stalks the dark streets of Portland to eliminate the vampires preying on his quiet city before they get out of hand. But when the streets run red with blood and the city’s most vulnerable people start disappearing, he might be too late to stop the undead scourge—or even survive.

Suddenly hunted in his own town, Luke narrowly escapes when a werewolf and a human woman saves him from the threshold of death, forging unexpected friendships in the process.

Can he protect his city and stay alive while training his allies, dodging hungry vamps, and recovering from his grievous wounds?

WITCHES: WICKED MOONSWicked Moons by Ruby Raine

Charlie, Michael, and Melinda are the last three witches alive in their bloodline. A werewolf with an over-the-top big brother complex.An empath who wishes he could stay out of his sibling’s love lives.

And a witch whose job it is to save people she dreams will die, but has a panic attack whenever she has to leave the house…

However, when she has a prophetic dream of Michael’s should-be girlfriend dying, Melinda needs to act fast.

But saving their friend means doing one of three things Melinda dreads: Ask her brothers for help. Ask the vampire she’s crushing on hard, and who’s off limits, for help. Or worse, do it herself, which means leaving her house and stepping into the hectic, crowded, no-room-to-breathe tourist trap that is The Demon Isle…


We love to hear from our fans! Let us know what you like about the series and what you’d like to see next. Contact me anytime at hugh@blackkatseries.com or by replying to this email.

You can also reach the Supers on our public pages (listed below.) Please keep in mind that due to my death-defying schedule, it may take me a little while to get back to you. We also love fan art. Feel free to send some in! 

Have a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!

Yours magically,


Illusionist, Escape Artist, and Super Chap!

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Black Kat Series (news)
Hugh’s House of Humor

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Website: https://www.authorkimberlygordon.com