Home 9 News 9 Black Kat News: January 2022

Here’s to a Super 2022


Hello, friends and fellow Supers!

Hugh here. I hope you had a wonderful New Year and that 2022 is treating you well. Kat and I have been busy chasing an explosive Rogue, as our author finishes up Kat-A-Strophic, the fifth book in the Black Kat series.

We’d hope to have it to you this month, but it looks like it’ll be done in February on account of our author and her family being very ill between Christmas and New Year’s. A touch of flu, but enough to take everyone down. (They’re not Super after all, but we love them anyway!) Thankfully, everyone’s fine now and slowly getting back to normal. Whatever that is.


In other news, the first three books of the series are still on sale for a few more days:

You can grab them at all major retailers. But hurry! The sale ends on Saturday, January 15.

And some exciting news: a cover reveal for the seventh book in the series! (Keep reading!) I had fun posing for this one. My hair’s a bit long, since it grows fast on our home planet and that’s how all the men wear it there, particularly royalty. The next few books are absolutely breathtaking, and Kat and I can’t wait to share our adventures with you!

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Cover Reveal: Black Kat VII

Black Kat VII: The White King by Kimberly GordonA wedding.

A betrayal.
A slaughter.
The beginning of a planetary civil war.

Darkness falls on the House of Wind as Hugh ascends the throne. He must hold on to the crown long enough to give it away.

Can Hugh outwit his opponents in a Game of Kings on a planet full of Supers? And will his family survive? Find out in the seventh book of the action-packed Black Kat series, now on pre-order!

Available at: Amazon | Apple | Kobo | Nook | Google Play | Everywhere Else

Check out these fabulous books for your eReader!

Sparkling Magic Protectors Academy by Nika GrayPNR ACADEMY: SPARKING MAGIC

Welcome to Protectors Academy, a cut-throat magic boarding school where the heirs of the rich and important rule while they compete for an elite position on the borderlands.

The problem is, I don’t know how I got here, and I’m not safe here. I’m being followed, a group of mean girls is on my case, and four of the hottest guys on campus don’t know what to do with me. Then I’m attacked and everyone blames me for burning down my own dorm room. All I want to do is pass their tests and get out of here. But first, I have to survive…


Dececption of the Dead by Saralin Cook


A princess of the Fire Realm isn’t supposed to fall in love. I was promised to a son of the Cloud Realm to end a millenia’s old war between the two. But fate had other plans for me. Now I’m being punished for my rebellion, and my banishment means an eternity on Terran cleaning up demonic messes until I hit my quota.

One thousand demonic souls banished back to the Fire Realm. That’s the deal.I’m almost there. I’m almost halfway home, and not a moment too soon. Three hundred years on Terran is starting to mess with my head.

But hey, we all have our demons.


Unwanted. Three boys grew up in an orphanage, abandoned and despised by those who should have taken care of them. They were starved, hit, and abandoned for years.

But they are men now. A little broken, a little damaged and a little destroyed by life, but they hide it behind toughness, money, amazingly folded cravats and, in some cases, illegal activities. Their main strength is each other: they are best friends, partners in crime, a found family.

These are the stories of how they each fight, and lose, the battle against love. Retold includes three dark and sparkling romantic stories inspired by myths, folklore and fairy tales, as well as by the glittering world and the roguish gentlemen of Regency London.

Wolf Reborn by Sara SnowWOLF REBORN

As an Enchanted, I might not be able to shift like other wolves, but I’ve saved countless lives through the visions I receive. And in the end, saving others cost me my life.

That sacrifice buys me a one-way ticket to my LAST chance at happiness: an afterlife in the God Realm, where I actually find my fated mate, the gorgeous but scarred white wolf Lucian, in the God Realm with me, but wants absolutely nothing to do with me.

Then a second fated mate shows up out of nowhere… and he’s not even a werewolf. It turns out my two mates can’t stand each other. And while Lucian may not want me himself, he doesn’t want Remir to have me either. Something’s got to give.



Wynter Fae by Kimberly Gordon now on Kindle VellaVELLA FANTASY SERIAL: WYNTER FAE

Wynter is coming…for everyone. A dark lord has disrupted the Deep Magic that holds the forgotten realm of Cascadia in balance, unleashing supernatural storms that few can survive.

Can Trystan and Arabella save their people and restore the rightful heir to the Fae kingdom? Or is their love and their world doomed?

Wynter Fae is a coming of age, clean fantasy romance packed with action, adventure, and comedy. Catch a new episode every Magical Monday!


We love to hear from our fans! Let us know what you like about the series and what you’d like to see next. Contact me anytime at hugh@blackkatseries.com or by replying to this email.

You can also reach the Supers on our public pages (listed below.) Please keep in mind that due to my death-defying schedule, it may take me a little while to get back to you. We also love fan art. Feel free to send some in! 

Yours magically,


Illusionist, Escape Artist, and Super Chap!

Facebook Pages: 
Black Kat Series (news)
Hugh’s House of Humor

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Website: https://www.authorkimberlygordon.com