Home 9 Newsletter 9 Black Kat News: Feb 2020

What’s New

Welcome, friends, to another edition of Black Kat News!

Hugh Harrison here. I’m still stuck somewhere in the ether with my brother, Dale, hoping to get back home soon. The calculations are complex and events here have kept us a tad bogged down, murderous cousins and all. Meanwhile, the Supers are in the process of making some revisions to the first three Black Kat books and preparing to get the next book out the door. 

A very special welcome to all of our new readers, who have come in through recent giveaways. We’re SUPER happy to have you with us! 

NOTE: If you are receiving this, at some point, you opted into our mailing list. We do not wish to spam any poor souls, so feel free to unsubscribe if you feel the need. Most of us won’t take it personally (though Kat has been known to!) 


Black Kat Series: First 4 Books

Our revamps to the first three Black Kat books continue:

  • We’ve re-numbered the books. It was too confusing to have Unlucky Charm as “Book Zero.” It’s now Book 1. Hopefully this will make the series order clearer going forward.
  • We’ve also branded the series as a Superhero Urban Fantasy, which we believe to be the correct genre for the books.
  • We’ve said goodbye to co-author C.J. Weatherly. No hard feelings. She wasn’t “pulling her weight” (because she’s a character in another series!) Kim remains our main author/dictationist. We like to bug her to no end with our stories, day and night, in bed, in the shower, you name it. We speak, she types. Too slowly sometimes. There are many books left and not enough hours in the day!
Also of note: 

Revisions to Unlucky Charm are almost done. This will be available FREE to all newsletter subscribers. We’ll send out a link as soon as it’s finished. If you purchased a copy, no worries, we have you covered. We’ll push the updates out on Amazon and all other online stores.

Next up:

  • We’ll be working on smoothing out a few wrinkles in Kat & Mouse and God Save the Queen.
  • Kat & Mouse will also get a new cover because I’m getting a makeover. Imagine that! I was told I needed one, since it’s hard to capture my actual appearance “on camera,” due to my illusions and my hair color. There might just be a sneak peek at the bottom of this email. I do hope Kat likes it. Then she might not shoot me for missing Valentine’s Day. I can only hope!
  • All of these changes will delay Book 4: Playing with Fire just a little longer.
Why? Because even Supers aren’t perfect. We’ve learned so much in the past four years and want to bring you the best stories we can. So stick with us, the best is yet to come!

Black Kat IV: Playing with Fire



Here’s a sneak peek at the prologue for the next Black Kat Book. We’re setting up an Advanced Reader group and will have beta copies available in the near future.

Firefighter Shane Sumner has a secret. 
He’s not the brave, hometown hero everyone thinks he is. He’s fireproof, and possibly crazy, or telepathic. Now the dog is talking to him, along with the plants, threatening to upend his sham of a perfect life. Can he conceal his strange abilities or will they expose him for the freak he knows he is?

One hot mess deserves another…
Life isn’t easy for a fire shifter. Fiona and Aislinn’s powers keep them homeless and just might have burnt down the Denver safe house. The streets are full of Rogues and unsavory characters; their chances of survival look bleak. Prince Charming isn’t coming. Or is he? A handsome, flame-retardant stranger may be the answer to all their problems.

Join Hugh, Kat, Jacob and the rest of the gang as the adventures continue and the stakes are raised in Playing with Fire. 

Looking for something else to read while you wait for the next Black Kat book? Check these out: 


Few can survive the rising dark.

Join unimaginable paranormal creatures in epic battles or enjoy a heart-stopping romance that will take your breath away.

In this collection of paranormal romance and fantasy novels, witches, wolves, demons, and demigods haunt the pages as they fight against the pull of darkness.
But will they succeed?ast loyalty.

A Witch Called Red by Sami ValentineA WITCH CALLED RED

Red might not remember her enemies, but they remember her.

Taken in by a supernatural bounty hunter, Red spent the last year searching for her true identity. All she found were monsters to kill. When a murdered model washes up on a lonely beach, she goes to Los Angeles to investigate. Instead of angels in the shadow of the Hollywood Sign, she only finds more bodies. And vampires who know her better than she knows herself.

In a world where demons have souls, witches have amnesia, and humans are clueless about either, Red needs to keep her
wits sharp and her stake sharper.

Or she’ll die before she even learns her real name.

Nighthawks the Night Quartet by Jeremy FlaggNIGHT HAWKS: THE NIGHT QUARTET, BOOK ONE

He didn’t ask for limitless power.

Conthan’s only talents are sarcasm and art. That is, until he learns he’s a Child of Nostradamus with the ability to teleport. When his newfound powers kill a Marine, he finds himself hunted by the military’s elite. 

He is not the only one in danger.

Conthan discovers his future entwined with a warden bent on corrupting imprisoned Children. As he unravels a conspiracy about to destroy the country, will he sacrifice his humanity to become a hero?

Revelation a Kid Sensation NovelREVELATION: A KID SENSATION NOVEL

He didn’t ask for limitless power.

Conthan’s only talents are sarcasm and art. That is, until he learns he’s a Child of Nostradamus with the ability to teleport. When his newfound powers kill a Marine, he finds himself hunted by the military’s elite. 

He is not the only one in danger.

Conthan discovers his future entwined with a warden bent on corrupting imprisoned Children. As he unravels a conspiracy about to destroy the country, will he sacrifice his humanity to become a hero?


Over 60 great giveaways, including Unlucky Charm, here: 

Rogues and Warriors Free Fantasy eBooks

Enjoy over 120 FREE eBooks, including Unlucky Charm: 

 Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Giveaway

We love to hear from our fans! Let us know what you like about the series and what you’d like to see next. You can also contact me anytime at hugh@blackkatseries.com or by replying to this email. You can also reach the Supers on our public pages (listed below.) Please keep in mind that due to my, um…exotic location, it may take me a little while to get back to you.

Facebook pages: 
Hugh’s House of Humor
Black Kat Series (news)

Twitter and Instagram: 

Jared is incapacitated at the moment, so Dale is working on updating our website, here.

Until next month, darlings! I hope you have a SUPER Valentine’s Day! (Hopefully I can make it up to Kat when I get back.) 

Hugh Harrison, illusionist



Hugh Harrison

Illusionist, Escape Artist, and Super Chap!

PS. It’s just a profile shot, but how do you like my new look? We’re still tweaking it. More soon!